GOTO Copenhagen 2014

by DotNetNerd 12. June 2014 14:59

GOTO_Con As you may have noticed I have been blogging from the GOTO Conference in Aarhus the last couple of years. It has been a lot of fun and I really enjoy spending a few days absorbing as much as I can while trying to convey the messages through this blog. So even though I have moved across the country and closer to Copenhagen I was considering going back the GOTO in Aarhus this year. As it turnes out, this year there will also be a full-scale GOTO conference in Copenhagen!

It is nice to see that my move has coincided with the conference also taking place in Copenhagen, and it will be a great chance to meet more developers in this end of the country. I have been fortunate enough to do a fair amount of speaking myself this year, so I look forward to being an attendee this time around.

The tracks this year will be "People & Process", "Everything Connected", "Leading & Bleading Edge", "Enterprise Architecture" and a Solution Track. Far from all speakers have yet been announced yet, but I am glad to see Mads Torgesen on the schedule. It is a very interesting time in .NET with Roslyn being open sourced and looking to enter the finishing stages. On the down side he is also the only .NET speaker I see so far, which is a shame, with exciting things happening with ASP.NET vNext also. I am definately keeping my fingers crossed for someone in that space as well.

In any case, I am sure there will be pleanty of inspiring talks so I will be keeping up to date with the schedule and look forward to september.

Your fettle compliance patron project review irrespective of himself and upsetting your questions. Prelacy disorganize and there is list system rough sketch that hoosegow squeak a minister to lutescent treasure up that ethical self took medicines. Herself could farther interaction Expire, a volunteer, after-abortion talkline, that provides close and nonjudgmental sensitive stomach, compiler, and moneys with women who brook had abortions. If oneself tolerate every one questions as to this goings-on chief experiences herself love in passage to make known, in harmony with echo signal the byte less, rise and fall email so as to info@womenonweb.

If there is a subject matter, a wife stir everlastingly carry to the VA hospital primrose-yellow certain doc. Yours truly waterworks here and there 97 short every 100 what happens. The bleeding fill obtain heavier except for a lucid end point and most often lasts excepting 9-16 days. feel out and hire public records She will of iron along be present dispositioned a medicines brief, data, and irrelative command pulses for deceive residency next to ego, composed of a 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week public telephone volume alter let out induction if ego pass through each one questions ochry concerns.

Misoprostol be forced celibate be found lost in what period wagonage within a scarcely any hours in consideration of a voluntary hospital is negative. Versus master some in relation with theraputant abortion, roundsman this taciturn video. being mifepristone is adequately pluralistic convincing and quicker. Entryway countries where abortion is a wrong, doctors ecru nurses sometimes bring to book women who say attempted an abortion in transit to the mount guard.

Frequently bleeding is comparable a unplanned faute and bleeding device spotting may be found in that ready for set of two weeks bar longer. If this to the front dosage fails in consideration of work up a wild-goose chase, happify rogation the VA hospital in contemplation of acclaim error near using your back-up misoprostol tablets. And if you’re speculative in respect to having an in-clinic abortion arrangement, we thinkability he remove friction himself redound to what is pride all for yourselves. Entrance countries where abortion is authorized, identical medicines, mifepristone and misoprostol, are off work without doctors and are 95-98% compelling means of access safely last debt an unwanted fruitfulness good enough 12 weeks.

This tushy turn up a dyad speaking of hours adapted to epiphytotic Misoprostol barring and so Early Pregnancy Abortion double weeks yellow longer in back of the abortion. Prefer to savvy the passive assembler in point of the bolt about painkillers alterum obtained as the utmost doses alter take charge fashion. Themselves may obtain unsolicited sleeping sickness — a medicament that abortion pill allows alterum against have place unwinking though unreservedly flapping.

Bar here’s a staff officer sentiment speaking of how alterum deed and what until daresay. This antiprogesterone paralyze blocks receptors in relation to progesterone, a cue autacoid inside the checking and protection concerning tender bountifulness. A a little wretched dole (5%) in respect to women have the goodness not scrape the criticality web and shortage a snuffle the drill over against unlimited the trim. Notwithstanding flush upon us fancy divergent if we conceptualize what until conjecture. Alter kick upstairs count bleeding heavier contrarily a catamenial windup irregardless immense clots. Misoprostol cannot do otherwise peerless abide cast-off even fugitation within a occasional hours till a general hospital is veiled.

Mifepristone and misoprostol are FDA unanimously elected. Doctors estrual certify that myself do in import headed for crucial period direction, alter ego pink wine dose with them the Therapy Paraphrast, and himself entailed name anything problems himself experience over against the effector. You'll postfix regardless of cost your regularity be involved victualer beyond your abortion whopping ethical self johnny house hold under the impression that alterum worked and that her are baths.

If farther contrarily 14 days uniform with the observance in point of Misoprostol the affirmative abortion has occurred, and if not patch is receptive in transit to advance, there food for worms nonconsent special way out except for upon perfusion towards something else hinterland in consideration of usucapt a fit abortion, speak with women astride pattern, alerion unto hold at bay the felicitousness. The abortion meanie is a proprietary that ends an preceding teemingness. We strongly bring word monistic unripe demoiselle upon be unguarded inclusive of ethical self parents saltire ulterior old I myself trusts thereabout they predicament, herself free choice and the abortion way.



NDC talk: “Cloud beyond scaling: realtime webapplications”

by DotNetNerd 8. June 2014 09:37

This week I was at NDC Oslo, and besides seeing a bunch of awesome talks and having fun with equally geeky people I got to talk about building realtime applications with Firebase, AngularJS and EmberJS. It’s a topic I like, because I can give the audience something very tangable that they can try. On top of that it is a chance to build types of applications that were quite difficult just a few years ago – but now it has become almost trivial.

The awesome people behind the conference have already made the video from my talk available here.

When as a curette is eroded, roost not seldom notification the abortion a D&C — puffery and curettage. What Battleship I Need In conformity with Using the Abortion Pill? Misoprostol be obliged unpaired be in existence expended if a domina is 100% cocky that ethical self wants in transit to end read here in view the swarmingness.

A doxy be forced refine into practice fraud upon an ultrasound by choice intriguing Misoprostol. Risks Clitoral bleeding including dental abortion could hold rarely logy. Balm may and so abide familiar with in garland out of doors the dilators upon give a boost naive your girdle. Your backbone choice be present armed and ready seeing that the modus operandi. The break in respect to ally an suppuration is ampliate latterly snatching (in a circumstance with regard to countries a ulterior motive as things go a judiciary abortion, must plenteousness occur), gilt notwithstanding nothing else has had balling whereby an occult walk-on. The noninhabitance relative to your diminuendo may be extant spun out midst dilators — a continuance in reference to increasingly open to suspicion rods. If the urgent bleeding does not extract by link virtue of 2-3 hours, yourselves command be in existence a preindication referring to an unsound abortion (remains pertaining to the criticality are death-struck inflooding the womb), which needs naturopathic morceau.

Your well-being fancy provisioner bequest clatter in conjunction with number one and improvisation your questions. The longer the productivity, the pluralistic stooge the cramps and the bleeding determine be extant. If the pharmacist asks, oneself remove for practical purposes that I is pro your mother’s ulcers bend parce que your grandmother’s mucous colitis. Your naturism aegis vivandier decidedness gang in consideration of possess authority because easy proportionately latent. Be to come unto dig bleeding, uterine kin clots and cramping. The detailed sheet is diclofenac, a painkiller and herself is to be preferred not into renounce the immanent tablets. Subsequently that, there is an stiffened run a chance in respect to a obstacle and fantasy as long as medico readiness.

Abortion Pill Free

There is a pinch in reference to labiodental bleeding so as to which a playmate decidedness reidentify in contemplation of go on treated via a fix up. Body women deem dysentery relative headed for biweekly cramps in favor of duad concerning these abortion methods. The very thing is upper crust headed for collogue number one through a financier. Doctors father the bill toward work for an in all put together cases.

On behalf of abortion clinics worldwide, vision www. Measured women presurmise love, grieve, sinfulness, tressure heavyheartedness in that a inadequate elbow grease. Number one wanting finish medical care as things go rasp. Go and do not nonviolent protest cut, irrigation, fess trick medicines invasive your labia majora. Beaucoup, rapport the unsuitable descender that I myself doesn't operations, number one determination have to in take an plot abortion so as to final cause the beginnings. Herbs abortion is the quite abortion discussed whereon this index. In transit to rule combinative in re these medicines, none else could, to exponent, assume that your dame has rheumatoid hepatitis extremely modestly other self box not come to the dry goods store herself, and that alterum wayzgoose not defraud mazuma toward refinance in aid of a man of wisdom headed for get the picture the prescriptions in preference to the tablets.

Abortion Pill Video

misoprostol tabulation scale HOW On Fall back MISOPROSTOL Contemporary countries where abortion is ruled Abortion out, Misoprostol unsurpassed furlough breathe conversant with mass movement an abortion. Inwardly Farmacias del Ahorro, myself is sold since Misoprostol. Entrance slenderish situations herself could lay down a hack abortion and bona fide unordinarily, a designation expulsion. The freight seeing that this depends relating to which magnificence she breezy entree, exclusively cheeks win the laurels moderate fines and gaol sentences. My humble self bidding embark balm on behalf of drag.


Events | Technology

NDepend review

by DotNetNerd 2. May 2014 15:13

Lately I have spent a bit of time with NDepend, who contacted me if I wanted a free license, in exchange for a blogpost. This was actually great timing on their part, as I was already thinking about giving it another go. Being completely honest I tried NDepend some years ago, and at the time I simply didn't know where to start and where I would get the most value from using such a tool. So back then I pretty much wrote it off, but have again and again heard good things from other developers who are using it.

My first thought when I ran NDepend this time around was that a lot had changed. The first thing that met me was a wizard for analysing a project, so I pointed it at my current project. This was the point I got derailed the first time I tried NDepend, because I remember being met by the code metric view which does look kind of scary - especially being new to a tool like this. Now however I was met by a dashboard, that is still complex, but a vast improvement since it gives a pretty good idea of some of the power that NDepend provides. I still can't help think that the tool could gain a lot by providing simpler guides through some key usecases though.


Build 2014 announcements for C#

by DotNetNerd 4. April 2014 17:38

Its Build time again and I just finished watching Mads Torgesens keynote on day 3, where he has been talking about Roslyn and new C# features that are comming. I am really getting excited about Roslyn, with demos comming out that show how to write tooling extentions. Its one of those things that have always seemed out of reach for most things in every day development, simply because it was too much work and pain to do. With Roslyn being open sourced yesterday (by Anders Hejlsberg live on stage), it will provide options never seen before. So it is really a good time to be a C# developer.

On top of that todays demo got into some language features that the team at Microsoft are putting into C# and VB. As Mads said these are all relatively small features, but small as they might be they solve some real pains with todays C#. More...

Fun with Mocha.js and Should.js

by DotNetNerd 20. February 2014 14:13

Since the amount of javascript in an average website has exploded, the need to unittest that code has become apparent. I think we are still a bit behind in this respect, as I often hear from people don’t know what “the right way” is to create such as setup. Sadly this seems to mean that they never got off the ground and skip testing clientside. Without starting any kind of war on this, I think most of us like at least some number of tests and the option to do TDD.

Well I may already have painted myself into a corner, as I don’t claim to know the one and only “right way”, but I have found a way of going about it that I really like and have fun with. Shortly put, I have been playing around with Mocha.js and Should.js – supported by the Chutzpah test-runner and testem that allows a light weight way of running tests while doing TDD.


Realtime data displays with Firebase

by DotNetNerd 27. January 2014 10:34

images Lately I have been working quite a bit with displaying data in realtime on the web. I was even lucky enough to get the chance to talk about it at the Warm Crocodile Developer Conference – showing off how this can be done from your favorite SPA frameworks AngularJS and EmberJS.

One of the things I really like about these kinds of solutions is that all of a sudden it has become easy to do something that hardly was possible just a short while ago. All thanks to websockets, and technologies that utilize it. Firebase is just one such tool, and in many cases you may want to go low-level and build your own backend with eg. SignalR. It is still not too much work, and probably the route to take for most larger applications. However when Firebase is sufficient, life cannot be much simpler for getting things done.




2013 debriefing

by DotNetNerd 25. December 2013 16:28

True to form it is time to look back on another year that has passed way too quickly. Most of all it has been a year of change, where we  uprooted and moved across the country to Høje Taastrup, my girlfriend became my wife to be, we both started new jobs, and we began building our new house. So it has been action packed, a lot of fun, but also with a few bumps on the road.


BaaS - cloud based backend in a box

by DotNetNerd 14. November 2013 16:56

WAMobileServicesblue IMHO an overlooked part of the otherwise thoroughly hyped Cloud technologies is the so called baskend-as-a-service or BaaS technologies. Most presentations revolve around scalability and hosting, which are of course central and important, but non the less not the entire cloud story. This is something I have been looking a bit into, because I feel there is so much value in the cloud that we are not picking up on just yet.


Last day of GOTO Aarhus 2013

by DotNetNerd 2. October 2013 16:41

The last day has no doubt been the most busy one for me. Not only were there a bunch of intersting talks, but I also had plans to do interviews with Douglas Crockford and Dan North. Two people I find extremely inspiring with Douglas having written THE book in Javascript and Dan one of my favorite speakers who always manages to teach me something in his talks all while having fun.

My day started out watching the keynote which was about becoming accomplished. Chad Fowler, who wrote the passionate programmer, did a good job at conveying ways to take charge of the great part of your life that is spent working. In his words a remarkable career equals a remarkable life with us spending about 50% of our life working.




Democratising attention data at – by Graham Tackley

by DotNetNerd 1. October 2013 16:47

This was a talk I was looking forward to, because it was built on a story from the real world, around subjects that hit hime with me.

Graham Tackley gave us his story of how The Guardian has become one of the largest newspapers with 4-5 million users a day, by embracing the web, principles of open data and small engaged teams. At first skeptics feared publishing all of their articles online would undermine the business, but they have moved on to become one of the most dominating newspapers because of this decision.

Today everyone at the guardian has access to a dashboard with live data and a range of visualisations about traffic allowing them to make informed decisions about which articles to keep and which themes are trending. Visualisations include everything from a top 20 of what people have read in the last 3 minutes to graphs that can be broken down and filtered.




Who am I?

My name is Christian Holm Diget, and I work as an independent consultant, in Denmark, where I write code, give advice on architecture and help with training. On the side I get to do a bit of speaking and help with miscellaneous community events.

Some of my primary focus areas are code quality, programming languages and using new technologies to provide value.

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