by DotNetNerd
30. September 2013 12:44
I picked Mike West’s talk because I felt certain it was a place where I could pick something up that I can use. Security on the web is difficult, and it is something that is still being worked on. Mike works at google, writes a ton of articles on html5rocks and is working on some of the comming specs and proposals around security.
To put it short his advice is that you need SSL – otherwise any kind of security talk is mute. Even for sites that just display content, it is the only way that you can be sure the content is actually comming from the source that you think. is a great place to start, if you need a free cert, that uses the same level of cryptograhy as he enterprise certs that you can buy.
by DotNetNerd
30. September 2013 09:25
First talk that I chose to go to was Dan North on why agile doesn’t scale – or how agile can cross the chasm as he corrected himself. His premis was that people put stuff around agile for it to scale, so it is not a property of agile that it scales. In his words it is like putting a car on a ferry, and claiming that the car floats.
by DotNetNerd
30. September 2013 08:21
So GOTO has been kicked off, with a pretty good crowd for the walkthrough of todays speakers. As always the crowd is a bit slow at first until the first cop of coffee starts to work. It helped a bit when an Opera singer went on stage, forcing everybody to ask them selves of that was really happening of they had fallen back asleep.