Build: Building Progressive Web Apps for Windows

by DotNetNerd 22. May 2018 16:14

As my last video recommendation from Build this time around I will recommend taking a look at Jeff Burtoft talking about PWA’s on Windows. To me it is one of those topics where I mostly end up picking parts that are suited for what I am building, without going into everything under the umbrella. In that way, this talk suits me very well, because Jeff dives into the fairly few essentials they believe are required for a web app to be considered progressive.


Build: .NET overview & roadmap

by DotNetNerd 15. May 2018 16:48

aspnetcore-logo-591x360Continuing through the most important talks at Build I have come to the .NET overview and roadmap talk with the two Scotts, Hanselman and Hunter. They had a good combination of things I heard was coming, but also completely new stuff. It was well known that they are working on SignalR for .NET core, and one of the first demoes was running a SignalR app via Azure, which was really cool, and makes using and scaling SignalR a lot easier.


Build: The future of C#

by DotNetNerd 14. May 2018 17:02

Along the same line as the TypeScript talk, Mads Thorgersen and Dustin Campbell did a great talk about the future of C#, opening with some statistics that show how loved and widely used the language really is. Even though I am very much in love with F#, I am also quite happy doing my work in C#, as I have been for 14 years, so it is nice to see innovation in the language continue, and especially that they keep on drawing inspiration from F#.


Build: What’s new in TypeScript

by DotNetNerd 9. May 2018 19:41

So Build is well underway, and I finally got around to diving into some of the talks that are online. One of my early favorites is Anders Hejlsbergs talk on news in TypeScript.  Anders gives a good run through of the TypeScript typesystem, starting with the basics and covering why it is so different from other type systems, and in many ways ground breaking work even for a language designer like him. More...

Who am I?

My name is Christian Holm Diget, and I work as an independent consultant, in Denmark, where I write code, give advice on architecture and help with training. On the side I get to do a bit of speaking and help with miscellaneous community events.

Some of my primary focus areas are code quality, programming languages and using new technologies to provide value.

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Microsoft Most Valuable Professional

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