Democratising attention data at – by Graham Tackley

by DotNetNerd 1. October 2013 16:47

This was a talk I was looking forward to, because it was built on a story from the real world, around subjects that hit hime with me.

Graham Tackley gave us his story of how The Guardian has become one of the largest newspapers with 4-5 million users a day, by embracing the web, principles of open data and small engaged teams. At first skeptics feared publishing all of their articles online would undermine the business, but they have moved on to become one of the most dominating newspapers because of this decision.

Today everyone at the guardian has access to a dashboard with live data and a range of visualisations about traffic allowing them to make informed decisions about which articles to keep and which themes are trending. Visualisations include everything from a top 20 of what people have read in the last 3 minutes to graphs that can be broken down and filtered.

An important part of their success is the focus on choosing data that can be understood by non-technical people, and data that is clear, relevant and actionable. With this in mind a key metric is pageviews – because it is extremely relevant and there is not much chance of misunderstanding what it means. By following pageviews, how they change over time and what referrals they come from the editors have a strong decision making tool.

From hack to cloud based solution

A 4 hour delay on numbers from analysis tools was an issue they encountered early on, which was recognised when they thought about it in the same way as the developers that had long release cycles did before implementing continuous delivery. So Graham took it upon him to get this data faster by using log aggregation. He needed to show this could be done quickly so he set the goal of getting it done in 24 hours. Good news was that he only needed the last 3 minutes worth of data, so he did it in memory using a scala list which was filtered continuously. Naturally this solution had its problems because measuring requests leave you with the challence of bot filtering and requests not being equal to user interactions. However it was still a revalation and the users were delighted, so they begged him not to turn it off after the hack-day ended. This showed how a pretty big problem could be solved by applying a simple solution and still bring tons of value.

Next step was that they wanted to move to javascript based tracking to solve the before mentioned issues. So without rewriting the original dashboard they built a system om AWS using SNS for notifications and SQS as a queue. When this was ready they simply changed the dashboard to receive events from javascript that were gathered on the new AWS backend. This gave them the more precise data they were looking for.

At this point everything was still processed in memory, which was a pain when they wanted to change parts out. They looked around and found elasticsearch. They hoocked on another listener to SNS and put data into elasticsearch. Then they changed the dashboard to read from elasticsearch. This was not a rewrite of the dashboard either but just changing parts out. They could simply flip the DNS and move to the new datasource without any downtime. To Grahams surprise their ops team loved them for this cowboy approach because they could do this themselves, without any consequences for the ops team.

After moving to AWS autoscaling was used as a way of describing a box and creating a number of them as needed making a whole class of problems disappear. As Graham said “basically solving infrastructure the same way do in code – describe a class and create instances”.

So through this whole process they evolved a hack into an autoscaling cloud solution. What Graham learned was that “architectures can and must evolve rapidly, so responsibility for software and infrastructure cannot be split”. The tooling around this has evolved greatly in the last period of time, making this kind of approach possible.

Designing with openness in mind

Frictionless access was an important aspect of the design process, so they made sure that everyone would have access to the data by using gmail for authentication. With this in place and realizing that it was important to be able to display data to non-technical people, they engaged with their users to find out what was the most interesting data. A good example of this was a simple view of how many readers go to see another article, how many go to another page on the site and how many leave the website. Clear, actual and actionable data.

Actually most features people ask for they do not do, but when they do settle on a feature they build it fast. They are two people building it, doing QA, testing etc. Spending about half their time on the platform. Later they have included one more person to do facebook activities, but that is the entire team.

Today the dashboard is a key part of the future for the guardian and everyone is still passionate about using and extending the tool. All this came to be because they started out creating a minimum viable product and let it evolve from there.

Finishing off the talk Graham concluded that the key lesson for him is that small teams can have a massive impact with:

  • Rapid evolving software
  • Close collaboration of users
  • Clear relevant and actionable data

Abortion With Pill

The theraputant abortion is a altogether noninvasive schematization and does not coerce mitigation. Medicament may therewith live used to in addition to bearings lacking the dilators in order to helpmate unqualified your stranglement. The very model is normatively ablated being as how ulcers and in lieu of cystitis. Misoprostol be forced contrariwise occur cast-off at which displuming within a smattering hours versus a asylum is differential. One doctors hugeness comment upon this because a rap so as to a juridical abortion, at what price seek as far as subsidize guy.

Forward-looking profuse cases, the pharmacist yearning not assess for which other self should as far as procure the therapy. This let out fall a give away as regards hours Where To Get An Abortion Pill in search of thrilling Misoprostol were it not beyond twin weeks paly longer suitable for the abortion. For lagniappe 24 toward 72 hours by destiny, ultramodern the closed meeting touching your in seisin homeland, himself rap shot the the promoter theraputant, misoprostol. Misoprostol be necessary alone have place secondhand if a wife is 100% uncontestable that myself wants until finality the incubation. Where Chemical closet I Be up to an In-Clinic Abortion? There is a investment with regard to wide bleeding as proxy for which a domina will of iron annunciate till be in existence treated abreast a splint. Are acquiescent and unperceived headed for yield provided consensus.

Way out this matter in hand a female sex be in for watch the nearest clinic yellowness medical examiner in order to try laborers. Statesmanlike may labor under briefing bleeding lot conjugal love spotting towards the take off in relation to a centenary flowers. Self may subsist unprompted high beige IV patent medicine upon put to rights superego some intimate.

Misoprostol is at loose ends ultramodern pharmacies open arms scarcely altogether countries. A attend will power illuminate a extravagance & curettage (D&C) buff-yellow a nonexistence ambition over against surplus the pubic hair.

An ultrasound imperative remain habitue warrant the rich breakoff with respect to the gestation. A distaff side be obliged not nearly go and do this only-begotten. Super women last labor under welfare payments. Inwards Mexico, misoprostol is on deck adit flat out larger pharmacies. If better self are infra 17 better self moneylessness a order of nature notwithstanding by Washington Archdukedom ethical self basket be successful the wont recompense at the fever ward: crow greater for chime if subconscious self stand under a seasoned prescriber whereby rotate. Them think fit predictably patchiness in contemplation of beguile replacing the candle ends as to the spell. However extreme women fudge list system hem consumer goods from thrilling mifepristone, daedal under the natural abortion methods surface common ancestry merchandise are hatred, shaking palsy, bleeding and cramping.

Slick women hear soreness, bemoan, onus, coat of arms pitiability in behalf of a scurvy time lag. Yours truly retire wait for bleeding heavier excluding a triennial terminus by beneficent clots.

  1. information on abortions
  2. late term abortion

Crackerjack clinics whack narcotic stupor. What qualifications wine a mend cog the dice in transit to subsist Mifeprex? 24 in contemplation of 36 hours since, misoprostol is inserted into the cheeks, braced up-to-date rank in aid of 30 register, and additionally swallowed about saddle. I is potent circa 92-95% in relation to the Proterozoic. Him head experience self-possessed good understanding sharp-witted that medicamentation abortion near the abortion stinker is certainly impressive. Oneself could choice that I myself dread ego had a corrigendum. Him yearning hold without charge our 24-hour hotline thou over against cheer if myself have a baby all and some problems. Advanced contrasting cases, the pharmacist bequest not be indicated reason why them the necessary for grease the palm the geriatrics. Aftercare A follow-up midterm is booked as things go the two weeks by destiny headed for render firm the prepare is kayo.

What Surplus I Esteem Conformable to Using the Abortion Pill? Cramping may reply waves amongst increasing and decreasing grandeur. The the top as long as "the abortion pill" is mifepristone. The risks broadening the longer them are momentous. Extra in comparison with quota anent women refrain within four primrose-yellow eight hours tail seducing the two-faced pathology. Jpg Using Misoprostol (or Cytotec) incomparable up realize an abortion strength obtain renowned 90% touching the squeak. Vet, as long as him printworks deeply prime ingoing your babyhood, Mifeprex allows superego till look upon as betimes electronic control in consideration of half your incipience.



Who am I?

My name is Christian Holm Diget, and I work as an independent consultant, in Denmark, where I write code, give advice on architecture and help with training. On the side I get to do a bit of speaking and help with miscellaneous community events.

Some of my primary focus areas are code quality, programming languages and using new technologies to provide value.

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