by DotNetNerd
20. December 2017 10:30
Another year has flown by, and it has been quite a change of pace for me. With my daughter being born last year, I have had to prioritise more than ever. Not really a surprise, but when you are going into it you don’t really know what will be possible. Looking back it has definitely changed my every day life for the better, although I have had to cut down on some spare time activities.
by dotnetnerd
19. December 2016 10:24
What a year this has been, and now is the time for my yearly review. Work wise my business has been very simple to run and very stable, because I have continued to extend my contract with DI. This may sound boring initially, but the reason this has worked for me is that I get to dive into a lot of technologies especilly around Azure and Visual Studio Team Services. I have been building a greenfield self-service application, for one of the biggest and most influential organisations in the country, while having the hands on the wheel with reguard to tech and design. So although I have not been moving on to new projects as much as I expected I am loving it.