by DotNetNerd
5. February 2020 09:04
I have recently been looking at copying entire collections of data on Azure, in a way that should run as either Azure Functions or Webjobs. This is useful for backups, and simply moving data between environments. I didn't come across too many good samples of how to do this, so I expect it can be a useful topic for others who need to do the same thing.
by dotnetnerd
11. May 2016 12:49
A few weeks ago Microsoft introduced the concept of "Cool" Blob Storage on Azure, which means that you get REALLY cheap storage for data that you don't access very often - backup being an obvious usecase. In my case I have used Dropbox for backups for a while, and although it works fine for a certain amount of data, it is not really a good fit for backing up that family photos and videos once a year from the home NAS.