by DotNetNerd
6. January 2017 10:08
A while ago I heard about some JavaScript Services that Steve Sanderson was working on for .NET core. The central idea was to provide services that could use NodeJS within an ASP.NET application, allowing us to consume all the awesome modules that are written for node. This can allow us to do a number of things, like prerendering and better integration between client and server that can run the same code.
Recently I ran into a new article about the work they are doing on JavaScript Services, and it seems to be far enough along now, that I think it is really worth trying out.
The documentation is really well written, so I won't write step by step instructions, but simply point out that it can be found on github and that it is pretty easy to get going.
by DotNetNerd
22. September 2015 10:49
Lately I have been using gulp with the new Visual Studio 2015 integration, which I really like. With so much good tooling in place, I think it is the right step for Visual Studio to embrace it. The one thing that is cumbersome about the experience currently is the setup required to get up and running. So, hopefully I can save others from a bit of trial and error with these ourlined steps.