by DotNetNerd
24. March 2020 08:18
OAuth is one of those things where I always wonder about how bad the state of libraries etc are. It seems like a problem pretty much everyone will tackle, but I am still not able to find a simple, library that works well with .NET Core HttpClient without being a whole framework in itself or at least very framework dependent.More...
by DotNetNerd
15. May 2018 16:48
Continuing through the most important talks at Build I have come to the .NET overview and roadmap talk with the two Scotts, Hanselman and Hunter. They had a good combination of things I heard was coming, but also completely new stuff. It was well known that they are working on SignalR for .NET core, and one of the first demoes was running a SignalR app via Azure, which was really cool, and makes using and scaling SignalR a lot easier.