Kestrel - the new web server for ASP.NET 5

by DotNetNerd 8. November 2015 14:12

With ASP.NET 5 which is currently in Beta 8, Microsoft has launched a new web server named Kestrel, which is of course Open Source. There are a number of reasons they are building Kestrel, but most importantly to provide a cross-platform web server which does not rely on System.Web and a full version of the CLR in order to bootstrap the new execution environment (DNX) and CoreCLR - which was not possible with Helios.


Who am I?

My name is Christian Holm Diget, and I work as an independent consultant, in Denmark, where I write code, give advice on architecture and help with training. On the side I get to do a bit of speaking and help with miscellaneous community events.

Some of my primary focus areas are code quality, programming languages and using new technologies to provide value.

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